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Why choose Prettiq?

Unlike traditional jewellers, we don't believe in mass producing because we make our Jewellery like they are meant for ourselves or our loved ones. Hence we place most of our emphasis on creating exclusive pieces and custom-made jewellery for our loyal customers. Unique and exclusive designs have been created for countless engagement rings and wedding bands.

Why are your prices attractive?

Operation overheads are kept to the minimal by having no expensive retail storefront and no commissioned sales person. We make ourselves known to the public through the word of mouth and low-cost online social media such as facebook and instagram. This allows us to focus on maximising your budget on the best quality gem at an affordable price.

What payment options do I have?

Prettiq accepts all types of online payment like credit card, debit card, net banking etc. We also accept bank / telegraphic transfer. Your orders will only be processed upon successful payment.

Can I track my order?

Yes. Once your order has been submitted, we will email you on the progress or you may also login to your account online to view the order status. On the day of shipment, we will email you the FedEx delivery confirmation that includes Fedex delivery-tracking information. You will be kept informed of the transportation process at every step.